Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow Day! And Part II

Mustache not required to participate
I know how heartbroken you all must be that we're not meeting in class on Wednesday :'(

Never fear! We can still have our discussions here on the blog!

If you haven't already, take a look at the Part II assignment instructions. It's time to start thinking about a research question! Your research question will be guiding your inquiry project throughout the rest of the semester, and is very important. It should be related, in some way, to the greater conversations we've been having about gender, sexuality, and feminism.

Your "snow day" assignment:

Post your research question draft up on the blog. Then, respond to at least 2 other people's research questions with some advice or suggestions. Your research question should be posted before 5pm on Wednesday, and your responses need to be up by the time we meet again in class Friday. 

 If you already have a "sorta question" -- great! If not, no worries, here are a few steps you might take to get your gears grinding.

1. Pick a broad topic that we've been talking/thinking about, like children & gender, LGBTQ/sexuality, feminism, masculinity/machismo, communication, or the media.
2. Think about a potential audience. For example, college freshmen, elementary school teachers, parents, LGBTQ teens, college professors, girls 2-12
3. Think about something you're passionate about. This, of course, can be anything!

Consider how your three topics intersect. So, for me, I'm going to think about children and gender as my broad topic, parents as an audience, and I'm passionate about video games.

So, some possible research questions for me:
How does playing video games affect girls' self-esteem?
What challenges to "gamer-girls" face in the Rio Grande Valley?
Does playing video games affect team-work skills in boys and girls differently?
Do boys who grow up playing video games view women differently? 

 These are really rough, right? I'd need to work on them, but at least they give me a starting point.

Still stuck? Try thinking about your Part I essay. Perhaps some interesting questions may arise from that. For example, remember mine? Well, after discussing my essay with Stephanie, I started wondering:

How does growing up in a single-parent home affect children's perceptions of gender?
Are girls who grow up "tomboys" more successful as adults?
What challenges do single dads face here in the RGV?

Or maybe the Cinderella reading struck a chord:

How does growing up in "princess culture" affect Mexican American girls in the RGV and their perceptions of beauty?
Are girls who loved princesses growing up less likely to choose STEM majors?
How does princess culture affect self-esteem in young girls?
Here are a few others I thought about:

What issues do LGBTQ students at UTPA face academically?
Who talks more in the FYC classroom, guys or girls?
What conceptions of feminism exist at UTPA?
How do self-proclaimed machistas do in college?
Are feminists happier than non-feminists?

ADDED IN: Feel free to snatch and modify one of the research questions I posted. Imitation is the finest form of flattery after all, isn't it? :D


Revised drafts of Part I will be due when we return to class on Friday.
Also, please bring a draft of your research question to discuss!


  1. 1.playing basketball
    3.college freshmen
    one of my question is going to be "do girls who play basketball or are in a basketball team are they less feminist to the girls who are not ?"

    1. You might want to go to out basketball team and do some primary research or even do some research on your own.

    2. I think you should conduct a survey and see how things go.

  2. 1. Pick a broad topic that we’ve been talking/thinking about, like children & gender, LGBTQ/sexuality, feminism, masculinity/machismo, communication, or the media.


    2. Think about a potential audience. For example, college freshman, elementary school teachers, parents, LGBTQ teens, college professors, girls 2-12

    College Freshman/Sophomores

    3. Think about something you’re passionate about. This, of course, can be anything!

    How successful are college freshman that identify as lgbtq?
    How has growing up lgbtq affected college students (freshman/sophomore) ? What type of obstacles were overcome? What are some lessons learned that help them develop as better students

    Carlos Cantu,
    I think you have a very interesting question in the works.
    How do you plan on conducting your primary research? For instance, visiting the gym and conducting live question answer response? Or like maybe conducting surveys from basketball players on Facebook or some other multimedia forum?
    I had a hard time thinking of primary research maybe you have tips.
    Victoria Alonzo

    1. I think your idea to do surveys is good!(: you should do it at the convention thing Ms.Hoerth was talking about.to find maybe even some articles to get a bit more understanding and maybe a compare and contrast.

    2. I think you should consider asking this in your survey questions, "How does having/not having support affect their academics?" Be more specific and you can target a topic easier.

  3. I chose LGBTQ as my topic, and parents as the audience.
    My research question is: how are LGBTQ teens effected within society today?

    1. Sounds very interesting because a lot if LGBTQ feel a bit out place because of society, so they feel pressured to not be themselves.

    2. for your research you can do surveys to see how society sees LGBTQ teens and also interview the teens and see why or why not they feel accepted in our society.

  4. My research topic will be how parents make a influence on their child's gender. Targeted audience will be parents

    1. I like your topic seems like something we can relate to
      how do you plan on doing your research? interviewing? articles? surveys?

    2. i have a couple of articles and one is on twin boys. how one ended up with a feminine gender and the other masculine.

    3. you should talk to sibling, and see the difference thye were taught.

  5. my topic will be how does todays media influence the way women are "supposed" to be seen

    I will be doing secondary research on how different magazines have modified women in order to give off a flawless picture

    1. I love your research questionn! It is a great one, it is true magazines portray woman a certain way. You can conduct a survey asking women who tend to read those magazines why they feel the need to do follow that "perfection" way of portray women

    2. Your research question is very interesting! Are you going to target specific magazines? Because recently there was a controversy involving Elle magazine, here's the link: http://oxfordstudent.com/2014/01/27/elle-cover-controversy-whitewashing-mindy-kaling/, it doesn't talk exactly about photoshoping pictures, but I think it would be halpful in your research :)

  6. I chose machismo as my topic, parents being the audience. How has machismo affected society today?

    1. I thing conducting an and interview will help you with your research.

    2. Its a good topic raul you should do more research

  7. 1. The topic that i want to talk about is Machismo
    2. My potential audience will be woman and men
    3. my passion is dancing.

    How machismo is seen today in modern life styles?
    Do Man still thing in Machismo as power over woman?
    How do Machismo opened the door to feminism?

    1. I think that's a great question because we still witness it here locally with the Hispanic Culture. They hate straying away from tradition.

      For the modern life style, are you going to compare a variety of cultures?

  8. My potential research topic will be:
    Is the LGBT community always affected or forced to hide their identity based on the common social construct idea of "gender"? How does it affect them emotionally and physically?

    My Audience will be:
    LGBT community, and parents

    How will I conduct my research?
    I will interview men and women who identify themselved in the LGBT community and ask them a serious of questions of how society afftects the way they run their lives on a daily basis...

    1. I like your research question, read about other people experiences.

    2. great research question now just go and interview people.

  9. The topic I would like to research on would be how parents tend to give there boys more freedom than they do to girls
    The audience would be parents

    1. Pretty good question, you might want to do some primary research to know a little more of other peoples experience.

    2. Karina, thats a great research question, I think that this question would help many teenagers understand the unbalence between the freedom in boys and girls. I think you should interview parents and teenagers and ask them why guys have more freedom than girls. Conductint a survey with a series of questions can be of help too

    3. Good question. Do you think different cultures have different views regarding how they treat their sons and daughters?

    4. Totally hit a home run with this research topic. Any girl in the RGV with a brother from any culure would be a great intervew for primary research. I recommend q and a in the library. Maybe you can draft five questions and compare answers based on differenct cultures.

    5. thats so cute. you should talk to siblings.

  10. Talking about the princesses in class, especially about this whole "Dark Tink" or "character sexualization" aspect of them made me think about little girls perception of sexuality as they grew up. Nowadays, and thanks to shows like "Toddlers and Tiaras", beauty pageants seem to be pretty scandalous events because they are considered to oversexualize girls that participate in them. So, as my research question I'm choosing:

    "Do girls who participate in beauty pageants tend to have different perceptions on sexuality than girls who don't participate in them when they grow up?"

    I don't know if this is going to be my final question, but that's basically what I want to do my research about. My main audience are going to be parents.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I think that's a good question, maybe you can add to that question how does beauty pageants affect affect the future of those girls? Also another thing you can add can be how does beauty pageants where boys participate affect their masculinity?

  11. The question I would like to answer would be something like How does man and woman see the fact that there is more boys than girls in engineering fields? Does girls look at it as a challenge? Does boys think of it as something girls shouldn't do? or Is it just a fact that will stop being a fact as we evolution in our society?

  12. I really like the question Professor Hoerth posted,
    "Are girls who grow up "tomboys" more successful as adults?"

    1. Topics: Children and Gender/ Communication
    2. Audience: Parents
    3. Passion: empathy and compassion

    Just having trouble for my passion but I think that's close to what I want. I know it's going to be a tough cookie. lol

    I want to connect "Communication" with my passion of understanding, "Empathy and Compassion."
    I want to know how parents' communication affected adults when they were children and the way they perceive "gender." or How parents' communication affects children? Are/Were they compassionate towards their children or did the children lack love and attention? But I'm probably off topic because I'm thinking more of psychology and behavior and how parents' behavior affect kids belief in gender.

    Yup, I know. I'm all over the place. :)

  13. My question is, Do females tend to do better in college/ school than males?

    1. You chose a very interesting research question! But maybe you could be more specific? Because maybe your results could vary if you do research with freshman students or if you do research with senior students. Also, I think it would be a good idea if you chose to work only with one major, working with majors in general could be a little confusing.

    2. I agree with edna. Your results would be more accurate if you stick to one major and one grade level

  14. Just some Ideas for my topic

    How does media affect the way women view themselves?
    What expectations does media uphold women to?
    Are women more influenced by media than men?

    Audience: society

    1. interviews would help in your research

    2. Do you think it has to do more with Politics? Since the media is known as "the Fourth Branch of Government."
      If the media tends to target women more is it because they want them to vote for their ideals?
      Personally, I notice Women have more power over men. "She wears the pants now."

      Something to think about. :)

  15. My question is, Has society reshaped our views of housewives?

  16. Do guys or girls tend to struggle more in school?

    1. This should be a great research project! Interviews should be a good start.

  17. my question is, How do Disney Princess infuelence little girls.
    sorry my question is late.

  18. Why do women still earn less wages than men?

    1. Your research question sounds very interesting! Are you going to focus on one field or various?
