Monday, February 24, 2014

Part II Peer Review!

Because cats.

1. How does the author explain their interest about their construct/issue? There should be some sort of a personal connection described somewhere in the paper.
2. For the research question -- is it something that can be answered within the course of the semester? Is it too broad/narrow? How might it be improved?
3. Does the author include a hypothesis, a "best guess" answer to their research question, based on what they've learned so far?
4. Secondary Sources: Does the author include at least three secondary sources in their proposal? These should be scholarly (non-scholarly sources can be used, but they can't "count" for the three). Check for correct works cited entries AND a brief explanation of the source + how it's relevant to their project. Can you suggest any additional sources?
5. Primary Plans: Does the author include an explanation as to their primary research plans? Do you think this is the most effective way to go about their research?



Group project presentations are WEDNESDAY. FOR FRIDAY, read GLIB.

1 comment:

  1. first blog..
