Friday, March 28, 2014

Part III Cover letter and conferencing

Don't stand me up >:O
We'll be meeting to discuss your Part III drafts this week. Before we do that, I'll need you to write a reflective cover letter. Here is what you'll need to include in your reflective cover letter:

  • Briefly describe your research project. What are you investigating and why?
  • What do you think you got right about this assignment, taking into account the four points I'm looking for (original claim, inquiry (research), discourse (connections) and citations?
  • What did your peers have to say about your essay? What did you revise based on their suggestions?
  • What do you feel still needs work in your essay?
  • What would you like my feedback on/help with?

Below is our conferencing schedule. You will be receiving a grade for attendance, so be sure to show up ready to talk about your Stage IV. All conferences take place in my office, ARHU 269.

We will not be having class during these days. Use this time to 1. work on your Part III revisions and 2. of course, work on your group projects. You should be wrapping things up at this point.

Wednesday, 4/2
8:45 -- Olympia
8:55 -- Kaitlyn
9:05 -- Stephanie
9:15 -- Isa
9:25 -- Carlos
9:35 -- Raul
Friday, 4/4
8:45 -- Emily
8:55 -- Karina
9:05 -- Eva
9:15 -- Cynthia
9:25 -- Paola
9:35 -- Adriana
Wednesday, 4/9
 8:45 -- Lysandra
8:55 -- Amed
9:05 -- Selena
9:15 -- Francine
9:25 -- Jacob
9:35 -- Alex
Friday, 4/11
8:45 -- Leonard
8:55 -- Edna
9:05 -- Ydana
9:15 -- Cassandra
9:25 -- Victoria

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Part III Peer Review Questions

BE the most interesting student in class

1. What research question are they setting out to answer here, and how does it connect to the discourse of gender studies? Why is this question one worth exploring?

2. How did the author go about conducting their research? What methodology did they use? Is it clearly illustrated? How does it connect to their research question?

3. What original claim is the author making? How do they support this claim with evidence? How is it related to the existing research?

4. Here's the big Q -- so what? What does this investigation mean? To whom? What might we do with it? Are these questions answered within the context of the paper?

5. How does the author go about giving proper credit to their sources? Do they incorporate a works cited page for both primary and secondary sources? Do they use parenthetical citations when paraphrasing/quoting?

Peer review responses due on  WEDNESDAY, March 26th. Don't forget to bring 2 copies :-)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

How's It Goin'?

Hopefully, it's going a little better than this...
Since we've been working on our group projects for about a month now, this is a good opportunity to see how far we've come. In your groups, work on this progress report and answer the following questions about your current progress. Be sure to incorporate what you've learned from your compocon conversations here, too.

Progress report form 

Typed progress reports are due on:
 Friday, March 21st

Form not working? Here are the Q's.


1.       What advice did your group receive at COMPOCON 2? How do you plan to incorporate this feedback into your project?



2.       Briefly describe your project plans as of today. What is your public document, presentation, and report-back?  How have your plans changed since your last report?




3.       So far, what has your group completed?




4.       What do you still need to do? Here, assign the tasks to your group members and give an approximate due date.




5.       What do you think your group is getting right? What are the strengths of your group and project?






6.       What difficulties is your group encountering? How do you plan to overcome these difficulties?

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Compocon 2


A reminder that we'll be meeting in the ballroom on Monday, March 17th for Compocon 2. Your goal at Compocon 2 will be to develop your group activist project ideas, seek advice, and get some feedback. Take notes; you're going to have an activity to complete in class on Wednesday based on what you learned at Compocon.

Monday, March 3, 2014


Hmm... what wave would this dude be a part of?
Here are our discussion questions for the Coleman reading!

1. How does Colemen define Third Wave Feminism? How is it distinct from Second Wave Feminism?

2. What are some of Colemen's critiques of Third Wave feminism? What are some of YOUR critiques of it?

3. Colemen suggests that some of both the old and new ways are problematic -- what do you think feminists should keep/discard from each in order to "return to its status as a contemporary social movement?" Or maybe it already has? :-/

4. How do you see your own projects functioning within the goals of these feminisms? What about your individual research? Would you say that what you're/we're doing is "feminist?" Why or why not?

5. How have your views on feminism changed since we began the semester?

Sunday, March 2, 2014


This week, we'll be talking about what feminism is and what it means today. The above video is a TED Talk from Courtney Martin, the founder and creator of Feministing, one of my favorite feminist blogs.

How is your conception of feminism similar/different from Martin's? We'll also be reading and discussing the Colemen reading, which gives an introduction to contemporary feminism and distinguishes how it's different from previous "waves" or generations of feminism. 

Some reminders:

Colemen quiz is on Wednesday
No class on Friday