All portfolios are due on Monday, May 5. This will be our last day together ::cue tiny violin music:: Your portfolio is hefty. It's a big piece of your grade (40%!). Be sure to go a good job with it.
Your portfolio must include:
1. Graded copies of Parts 1-3 with my comments. If you've misplaced my comments, then instead of including this, you'll need to write a one page reflection on your revision process (what you've changed and why) for each missing paper.
2. Your original Part IV -- of course, without my comments. This will be your pre-peer review version.
3. Revised and edited copies of parts I-IV. Part II, the research proposal, can be just edited, but Parts 1, 3, and 4 should show substantial revisions.
Please be sure you're turning in polished work. At this point, I will be looking at grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting in addition to content. Many students have asked if MLA formatting is required. The short of my answer is "yes" -- UNLESS you have a reason for not using MLA. For example, if, throughout the semester, your writing has been focused on a science discipline, you may choose to use APA instead. Maybe your essays are all about how MLA ruined your life D-: in which case, it would make sense to use something else.
So in other words, if you don't use MLA, be sure to articulate WHY you've made the rhetorical decision not to.
How you decide to present this information to me is entirely up to you. As long as it is presented in a way that your audience (me!) can easily make sense of your work, you'll be in good shape. Is turning in a big pile of crumpled/unstapled and messy papers audience centered? I'm thinking no.
You are being graded on the quality of your finished product and the rhetorical effectiveness of your writing.
Drop off your portfolio on Monday, May 5th between 8:30am and 11am to my office, ARHU 269. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.
May the force be with you! Make it so! For Durotar!